
Sunday, 15 December 2013


I wish you had been harder on us
That you had expected as much from us as you did
From others

I don't know how
There had been so much blood
Most of it was not ours

I wish you had been as hard on us
As you were on your people
Asking them to forgive

I wish you had asked us more
That we
We had done more

That we had shown we were worthy of being forgiven
That is was not so easy for us now
To say thank you
To call you Tata

To say thank you for allowing us to keep our privilege

Monday, 14 January 2013

continental drift

You are moving away from me
Millimeter by millimetre
Breath by breathe

We started with your breath on my cheek
Your ancestors speaking stories
Of soil
Of home
      where we could go

Your breath became so
Hot it
 Disgusted me with its history smell
Until my nose became accustomed

Then your breath was
On my lips
It was your body that spoke to me
Of urgency
Of penetration
Scars, birth and
Somehow (because you are this way)

Your breath was on my neck
As we looked out together
Behind infront behind

Your breath on my hands as
We scrabbled to pull each other up
Off the ledge

(invisible ledges the other cannot see
So tangled by fear of loss)

Now we are sitting across from each other
In front of this chasm

I can no longer feel your breath
I have no power over this continental drift

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Trusting the sky

I am practicing my run ups 

These chasms are too wide to step 
But I must get across 
I must 
The sun is calling me
And the corals,
The fishes in the 
Eventual sea 

So I am practicing my run ups
How wide I can stretch, 
How high 

One day 
I will close my eyes and jump 

And fly 

(trusting that the sky sees me
Knowing my movements, my hesitations 
In that moment where I may freeze 
And fall)